Viking Aquaculture
Tim Reddell
Chief Executive Officer
Tim Reddell is an entrepreneur who has played a leading role in establishing and growing Viking Aquaculture.
Tim has had a long and varied career in the South African fishing industry. He originally worked for I&J, one of two big right-holders in the deep-sea trawl fishery for hake, and later for the Viking Fishing group of companies which he helped to grow and diversify into aquaculture. An active and vocal advocate for the fishing industry, Tim served 15 (non-consecutive) terms as chairman of the South African Deep-Sea Trawling Industry Association (SADSTIA) and in 2011 was instrumental in establishing FishSA, an umbrella body that represents 11 fisheries sectors in South Africa.
Nick Loubser
Operations Director
For 20 years Nick worked for I&J, one of South Africa’s biggest seafood producers, helping to grow the company’s abalone farm from start-up to full production. He was also instrumental in establishing a finfish hatchery for I&J and piloting the culture of popular South African linefish species, yellowtail and dusky kob.
Nick holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons.) degree from the University of Cape Town and has served as chairman of the South African Abalone Farmers’ Association (AFASA) and on the board of Amanzi Biosecurity, a non-profit company that manages the Health Management Programme of AFASA.
John Werge
Group Sales and Marketing Manager
Anton Schoonnees
Group Financial Manager
Elizna Viljoen
Group HR Manager